
inspired by vintage, dance, nature, and all else pretty

Friday 8 June 2012

Foodie Friday: Mini Spinach Pasties

These spinach pasties are easy to make and can be personalised according to your taste. They are also great for packed lunches because they keep their shape.

Preparation: 25 mins
Oven time: 10 mins
Yield: 8 mini pasties and 1 large pastie


1 pie base
300g frozen spinach
1 small onion
cooking oil (I used canola)
salt, pepper, herbs to taste
you will also need a large mug or similar object


1. Pre-heat oven according to pie base cooking instructions (mine was 210 degrees Celcius).

2. Sautée the onion, then add the spinach and cook until soft. Add salt, pepper, and herbs to taste. I used good old herbes de Provence. You can add extra ingredients at this stage (mushrooms, chickpeas, feta cheese, etc.), but remember to lessen the amount of onion and spinach accordingly, or you will end up with a lot of extra stuffing. Once cooked, set aside to cool.

3. Cut circles out of the pie base using a large mug. Don't layer the circles or they might stick together. After getting as many circles as I could out of the original shape, knead and flattened the left-over pie base (the bits around the circles) to create one large circle for the large pastie.

4. Lay the circles out on a baking sheet and put a spoonful of cooked spinach at the centre of each pastie. You can also add more ingredients at this stage (I added cooked chickpeas), as long as they do not require cooking.

5. Fold the circle in half, then fold the end of the bottom layer over the top layer (see photos). Press a fork down around the folded end to seal the pastie.

6. Lay the pasties out on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet and cook according to the pie base cooking instructions. Mine was 10 mins at 210 degrees Celcius.

I had some left-over spinach stuffing, which I've kept to use as an accompaniment for another meal.

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